Archive for March 31st, 2006

i can crochet — kind of

Posted on March 31, 2006. Filed under: Uncategorized |

I'm determind to crochet an afghan. It shouldn't be too hard, right?

I bought a book with patterns, wool, the hooks, and ripped a free sheet on learning how to crochet off of the wall at Wal-Mart.

I was complaining to Brian last night, after 2 unsuccessful attempts that it just wasn't quite working and he suggested you know, learning, how to do it. Or starting with something a little less ambitious than a blanket. But I figure that if I'm going to be able to do it, I want to just go.

On the third attempt I think I was getting better (I undid 2 chains so far at this point). When my mom saw me undoing it she said "you know, there are these things called samplers…"

Come on people — a blanket is just a really big sampler, isn't it?

So I then figured out the lingo in the pattern book — rather cryptic with all of its sk, sc, dc etc.

AND I successfully completed 3 rows of the blanket! Yay! It's a bit wobbly, but that will just add character, right?

Too bad I've been neglecting my editing contract and school work to focus on this, but I blame still recovering from Monday — still don't have my strength back from the tube in nose incident.

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