Archive for March 26th, 2006

he was like a camera, she would be film

Posted on March 26, 2006. Filed under: Friends, Music, The boy(s) |

I saw Craig Cardiff play on Thursday at Hugh's Room in Toronto (which was a very cool venue). I just went by myself as I had to cancel the last two times so I decided to wait until the day of to make sure I could go and then my only efforts in trying to find someone was sending out an email and making one phone call to a friend who I thought would enjoy it — though she was already engaged with a coldplay show — wow musical overload for that night 🙂

So, while sitting there waiting for the show to start I was thinking about how I first started listening to Craig's music and it actually is an interesting(ish) story.

My crazy-psycho housemate in third year introduced me to 1 track of his called Grandma. This is such a fantastic song that I was immediately hooked and found more of his stuff online; Judy Garland to be the next favourite that I found.

Now Craig frequented the University scenes across Ontario. A wise decision on his behalf. So many students available many of whom who have the money to spend on going to shows and to the bar AND who have student housing in which to through livingroom shows.

By the time I had heard him play over the drunken shouting at Alfie's a few times I decided that I really, really wanted to have him come and play at my house. I was dating Brian at this time and he also enjoyed coming to the shows and loved the music.

So I chatted briefly with Craig at Alfie's about it and then emailed to set it up. I was SO excited!

It took a while to set up (maybe a month to find a date and to clear it with my housemates) and in the meantime I had been overloading on a few select songs because things with Brian were going downhill and well, lots of Craig's songs spoke to how I was feeling. Especially Lion and the Dragon, Albion Hotel, Afraid, even Judy Garland (I'll have to start posting a few favourite lyrics). And then all of the songs that you end up replaying because of associations with the person who you know is about to end things.

I totally remember when Craig called for the first time to make sure we were on for the show. I was so excited and nervous to call back.

Brian ending things a week or two before the show at my house, which added to the impact of Craig coming.

The day of the show I remember killing our 5th vacuum. It just died. I had moved all of the furniture and made a "stage" and then the vacuum died. I had to go and borrow one from Dustin's place. We never did replace that vacuum and lived in the house for another 8 months or so.

I know that EVERYONE was coming to the show. I sold at least 50 tickets and had everyone crammed into our livingroom, dining room, and kitchen.

And Craig was late.

Like 2 hours or maybe 3 late.

People were starting to get a little stir crazy and I was getting worried that he wouldn't come.

Finally, he appeared, candles were found and people were quiet. It was such a great night. By then I was no longer nervous and just enjoyed hanging out with Craig and his girlfriend Danielle (who came along because she was worried that he was going to a house that he didn't know anyone at and so she wanted to make sure he'd be okay). It was amazing just watching how much in love with him she was as she sat in the hallway, on the floor, and drank in the music.

The livingroom show was a hit and a few hours later the craziness was over. But that was definitely one of my favourite nights and then I realized that all of Craig's shows have been such good nights and have had odd circumstances surrounding them. Every single one.

I was excited to have gone to the last show because the 2 times before I had tickets and both times I was just too ill to attend. It was nice to know that maybe I'm starting to get a little bit better and I can return to normal in terms of going out more and having a bit more energy. Fingers crossed!

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i’m starving

Posted on March 26, 2006. Filed under: The Dyingness |

Stupid test at the hospital tomorrow means no eating anything today. I’m so hungry! AND the test isn’t until 1:30 tomorrow (IF they’re on time this time WHICH I doubt they will be) so I’m going to be starving. I don’t even know what fun food I can take with me for afterwards. I made cookies yesterday but I really want a yummy sub or something dripping with wheat and grease and dairy and then lots of sugar for dessert. I think my body would go into shock! Haha.

I can feel the irritability from lack of food kicking in. And what’s even more frustrating is that they probably won’t find anything at all AND I feel bad taking so much time off work lately.

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