Archive for August, 2007

the dyingness: phase two? And a call out for diagnostic help!

Posted on August 25, 2007. Filed under: Candida, The Dyingness |

As many of you know, I haven’t had much luck with doctors. My favourite post on this is here (and it leads you to all of the other ridiculous experiences with them all). My family doctor, I’m sorry to say, first became my doctor (mine having retired and me being away at school) at the beginning of they dyingness. Having not known me beforehand, I can understand that he might think me a little unbalanced, but it’s unnerving to hear time and time again in the tone of his voice that he thinks I’m crazy and must just want attention or something. I can attest to the fact that this is wholly untrue and extremely frustrated. And what happens when I’m frustrated? Well, I cry. And so that’s what I did about two sentences into my appointment with him — which I’m sure doesn’t help my cause.

As of late, I have been experiencing wicked headaches (as in the worst I have ever had in my life and much more frequently), which I believe have been in association to periods — but more headaches in between as well. And bumps on my temples — plus my eyes have been doing weird things. SO, me being all logical, think that perhaps these three things are linked. And, perhaps they might also all be linked to taking the birth control pill. And so, as any logical (and not crazy person) might do, I look at that pamphlet that comes with pills — the one that you read once when you first start taking them and then never look at again. And I have all of the symptoms under the heading that reads “contact your doctor immediately if you experience any of the following”. They include abdominal pain, painful breathing and chest pain, sudden vision loss, etc. Lots of scary things having to do with blood clots. And so a bell goes off in my head that perhaps (since candida is also linked to taking the pill) that perhaps if I stop taking it my situation might improve? So I wanted to ask my doctor if this was the case — would stopping the pill reverse any side effects? Or would I be stuck with any damage — would it be irreparable? And I didn’t get an answer. Does anyone out there know?

The other annoying thing is that after months of having bumps on my temples, they had gone down, of course, for the appointment. And now, three days later there’s a huge one back again. Damn it. It’s as if my body wants to make him believe that I’m crazy.

The other thing is that every symptom I have appears to not be typical to what happens in people — which throws me off because it is exactly what is happening. You’d think if I were making it up, I’d at least look up how it happens.

Anyway — he AGAIN thinks that anything I say to him — any symptom I come to him with is because I am depressed or stressed. He always asks how I’m feeling on a scale of 1-10. Next time I’ll have to tell him flat out that I’m certainly not depressed or stressed enough to have symptoms appear. And that I would never consider taking a drug for depression so he might as well get that whole thing out of his head.

Now I am going to see an ophthalmologist about my eyes — someone I should see anyway because I have such poor vision (-12). Who knows, perhaps he or she can fix my eyes with a lazer?

So — anyone have any idea as to if this is related to the dyingness? To the pill? Any diagnoses flying around out there?

He did mention that it could be neurological — which I have always kind of thought of — especially now that there are headaches. But, in the meantime, I’m going to focus on not getting pregnant while off the pill, which shouldn’t be too difficult, and on restoring my vision. Any natural remedies out there for this? Eye strengtheners? Help!

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kleinberg, nyc and kingston oh my

Posted on August 19, 2007. Filed under: The boy(s), Travelling |

It’s funny but August seems to be my traditional month of busy-ness. Last year was exciting because Brian moved home and we had a jam-packed week with a wedding, opera, and then I went to England for two weeks.

This week was so fun and crazy busy! I took Monday off and Brian and I went to Kleinberg for the day. I used to go there as a kid with my mom and grandma. We would get all dressed up and have a lovely day out for lunch, tea and shopping. It was always such a special place for us to spend time together and I loved how the village looked. I would always get a little treat from one of the stores. My grandma loved the McMichael Art Gallery and we always ate at The Doctor’s House. From when I was about four, I always wanted to get married in the church that was right beside the restaurant.

So I wanted to take Brian to this place that was important to me and we had a great time. We got tea and coffee and walked through the village to the gallery. We looked at the beautiful artwork and bought some prints. Then went to a fantastic pub for a late lunch (I had the best mussels I’ve had in Ontario!). It was simply a lovely, perfect day.

Then I went to NYC for the first time. It was my first business trip ever and I was so excited. I flew into the city early in the morning and went directly to our offices. I loved them! And I loved everyone there — I felt immediately comfortable in the city and with everyone I met. When I had a free bit of time I wandered up to Times Square and then went out for dinner. After dinner I crashed, then got up early and walked down Fifth Avenue and to Central Park. I loved it! Every bit of it! Then I headed out to Bloomingdales and felt poor, so I went across the street to urban outfitters and bought a couple of things (because you can’t not buy something on your first trip to New York). I got to the airport really early and asked to fly standby. Which turned out to be a fantastic decision because they had overbooked flights and there was weather causing a back up. I learned one important thing — standby isn’t all about first come first serve, it’s about how many points you have on your aeroplan card and how much your ticket was. Luckily I got on a flight ahead of when mine was supposed to leave which actually left after mine was supposed to — so who knows when mine finally did. Anyway, it was a fantastic experience and I can’t wait to go back.

Then I got home and after a quick nights sleep went to Kevin’s soccer game and then headed up to Kingston to meet Brian who was heading down from Ottawa. We went to his friends wedding and it was a lovely day. Ironically the wedding we went to last year was on the same date and that couple was there, spending their anniversary at another wedding. Kind of romantic. It was the first wedding ever that I didn’t get teary eyed at though. I wonder if I will ever walk down the aisle — until this past year I would have said never in a million years, but now I’m liking the idea. Don’t get me wrong, I’m nowhere near angling for a ring, but should the situation arise, I would contemplate accepting a proposal from the right person.

And now I’m back home and ready to head out for sales conference — I’m completely exhausted and love the whirlwind life. The other best part is that I didn’t get a B12 shot last week and I’m not feeling the affects despite the insanity of the week and the consistent lack of sleep. Here’s hoping that I can reduce the frequency of shots.

And the rambling concludes here.

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Rosie Little’s Cautionary Tales for Girls

Posted on August 13, 2007. Filed under: Books |

978-1-59692-252-5.jpgI rarely like short stories and I pretty much never read collections of them. But the adorable cover of Rosie Little’s Cautionary Tales for Girls caught my eye and I thought I would give it a chance. And boy, am I glad I did. I haven’t fallen in love with a book like this in a long time. And I have to say that the writing style and story-telling by Danielle Wood is beyond words that I can find to express how much I truly enjoyed every perfectly crafted word.

This book quickly jumped to my top 5 of books ever read. Partially because I’m sure that because of some of the sexual content, it would certainly be banned in schools — that appeals to me and actually suits the whole package and title of the book.

This is a modern-day Little Red Riding Hood story and the things that Rosie experiences and goes through are both beautiful and horrible (sometimes at the same time) and always vivid and true. There’s a great deal of play on many fairy tales and biblical references that work so perfectly. And I promise that once you read about the mannequins you will not be able to put this book down.

I’ll admit it’s probably a book for 15-40 year olds. And one that should be read at least once a decade as I’m certain that with each read, in every stage of life, you will get something completely different out of Rosie’s experiences.

I rarely latch on to a book with this much passion and intensity, and when I do, I will not rest until I’m sure that people have shared in my love. So please, buy a copy (the best part is that it will fit in your purse) and come back and let me know what you think.

After saying all that, I think I may have loved it more because I had no expectations. So I hope I haven’t gotten your hopes up to high (I hate reviews of movies that build it up and then you expect something that isn’t even possible). I think Rosie will definitely deliver, and I hope you can discover her on your own terms.

There what I would think are a few spoilers in this other blog post, but if you like spoilers then have a look. If not, definitely stay away.

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NYC trip!

Posted on August 6, 2007. Filed under: Candida, Travelling |

Work is sending me on my very first business trip to NYC. I’ll only be there one night, but will be right near Time’s Square — any tips on what to do with about an hour of free time? Or any candida-friendly restaurants that you know of nearby? I’m so excited — it’s going to be my first time in NYC ever and, since I’m condo poor, it will also double as a trip I couldn’t normally take.

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Farmer’s Market

Posted on August 6, 2007. Filed under: Uncategorized |

Brian and I finally checked out the Farmer’s Market that’s not too far from my place and it was awesome! I bought a pint of the best, local blueberries ever. It felt so great to know that we were buying from local farmers and that the food was so fresh and inexpensive. We even saw a yellow watermelon for the first time ever — who knew!?

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