the candida years continue

Posted on January 17, 2009. Filed under: Uncategorized |

So I’ve been negligent of this blog for a long time. I think that Facebook and Twitter have actually been able to shrink my attention span. Seriously. I think in status updates throughout the day. I’ve lost interest in writing or ready anything longer than 140 characters.

But, I wanted to check back in with an update now that this blog is nearly 2 years old. I started out way back when because I had been trying to figure out what sort of a disease or illness was plaguing me. Turns out that after years of dealing with idiot doctors, is was Candida.

Now, just over 3 years of not eating sugar, gluten or dairy, the candida is still there, but is definitely in check. And I’ve found so many new and fun foods to eat. And LOTS of restaurants to eat out at too, including some of these featured ones in Toronto. Though I’m still looking forward to trying that Fish and Chip place next weekend.

Anyway – I just wanted to drop by, say hello and say that the Candida is still there — but I feel so much better than when this all started. My doctor still thinks I’m crazy, but I’m able to hold my ground with him so it’s cool.

And wonder if anyone else there actually got rid of Candida and could eat like a normal person again? Or if you wanted to again? What would your first go-to food be, if you could eat anything you wanted?

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2 Responses to “the candida years continue”

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Well, I’ve been on the diet four years and don’t think I’ve got the candida licked quite yet either. But I find I can relax the diet a little at the weekends and on special occasions without too much unpleasantness, providing I don’t go mad. At Christmas I ate Turkish Delight and lovely ripe brie and delicious things like that. 🙂 Those would probably remain my ‘first go-to’ foods of choice. That and an enormous slice of chocolate fudge cake…and ice-cream…and a can of Coke… *drool*.

I also have candida, and it was in check for a few months. Then…I thought I could get away with cheating over the holidays. Bad move. My body handled it for a week or so, and then all the really bad symptoms came back with a vengeance, and worse than ever before. I’m being really strict again with my diet, and it’s starting to get a bit better. I’ve found doctors to be completely unhelpful with this, and the only person I’ve found to help me is a naturopath. There’s only so much anyone can do about candida, because it’s quite mysterious in the ways it manifests in each individual.

I’m able to handle plain yoghurt, and I can’t even eat oatmeal anymore. I eat a tonne of brown rice cakes and plain almond butter. For awhile I could tolerate home-made popcorn and plain corn chips, but not any more!

My main symptoms are chronic fatigue, skin problems (rashes and hives and severe itching), bloating, digestive problems and intestinal pain, brain fog, irritability, depression, and eye problems (clouded vision, red and dry eyes).

Thanks for writing about your experiences. I’ve found it helpful, and the recipes are inspiring!

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