Archive for November 22nd, 2006

shooting, downtown toronto tonight

Posted on November 22, 2006. Filed under: Politics, randomness |

I got home from class in time to turn on the news and see that there was a shooting in the exact place that I had just been and, that if we hadn’t been let out an hour early, I likely would have been close to where the shooting occurred. The last time this happened was when the girl was taken hostage at Union Station and I was actually in the station, but went out the side door and didn’t know it was taking place until I got to work.

So, I am left to wonder, what does one do when you actually do end up in the exact place at the exact time? How are you supposed to react? Hit the ground like in the movies?

A couple of years ago a friend and I were walking down Front St on our lunch and there was the loud sound of gunshots. We did not hit the ground. We looked at each other in disbelief because, well, that doesn’t happen in Toronto, especially in the middle of the day, right?

Again the shots.

Again, no reaction.

No movement.

I look up the street to see a bank surrounded by police cars.

As we kept walking closer (because, of course there must be a logical explanation for this) I ask:

“Do you think it’s a film shoot?”

“Must be.”

“But I don’t see any film trucks…”

My disbelief started to turn to slight anxiousness and a twinge of fear.

We continued to walk to the next block, turned and there, right in front of us…

Was an entire street full of white vans from the film company.

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